USB Blaster Download Cable Operation Instruction

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USB Blaster Download Cable Operation Instruction

Post by esky-sh » Sat Dec 20, 2008 6:07 pm

USB Blaster Download Cable Operation Instruction

1. Power off target board before connect your download cable, Or the cable/target board could be permanently damaged!
2. Select [Program/Configure] to enable EPCS AS mode[Active Serial Programming], power off target board to disconnect download cable after successfully downloading.
3. You may need to install driver first time when you connect download cable to PC. The driver comes with Quartus II installation. For Quartus II 5.1, the driver was located on c:\altera\quartus51\drivers\usb-blaster. You may instruct windows to the specified directory to complete installation. You can also install this driver from folder c:\altera\quartus51\drivers\usb-blaster, right click on usbblst.inf and select install. Some system may require power cycle of PC after driver installation.
4. To configure USB download cable in Quartus II, select [USBBLASTER] from [Hardware Setup]
5. To configure USB download cable in Nios IDE, select [USB-Blaster] from [RUN]->[Debug]->[Target connection]->[JTAG cable].

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