Deployment issues

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Deployment issues

Post by armboarder » Mon Jun 07, 2010 4:23 am

Hello, I'm back at development with Mini2440 after a few month of doing other things.
When I try to run some projects that were working fine before, now those prohect won't deploy to the board, I've got this message :
------ Deploy started: Project: Mini2440_Sample_LED, Configuration: Debug Any CPU ------
All attempts to connect to the deployment target at port 5655 have failed. Addresses attempted:;fe80::2204:9ff:fe18:7%5;fe80::5efe:;
The device security configuration may have disallowed the connection. Ensure that you have the appropriate certificates on your device for development. Review your SDK documentation for proper security settings for connecting to this device.
The same result for Visual C Or VB CF.NET projects.
I think it has to do with Windows Mobile 6 SDK that I installed to develop with other PDA's.
I've tried to "rapiconfig" security certificates, but I got errors.

I'm using Visual Studio 2005 sp2. ActiveSync 4.5, BSP image 5.0 from 2009.
I've tried at another PC which has ActiveSync 4.1 it deployed fine.

I wan't to deploy WinCE image 6.0, but I can't access to the FTP server.

Posts: 162
Joined: Sun Jun 07, 2009 4:32 pm

Re: Deployment issues

Post by nicolas » Mon Aug 15, 2011 9:29 pm

From what I recall, the ip "" is a "fake" ip when one cannot be obtained/set.
Either your PC has this ip, or something similar.

What is your network setup like?
Where is the mini2440 connected to the network

Are you deploying over USB ?

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