Linux -- Configure and Compile Kernel

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Linux -- Configure and Compile Kernel

Post by esky-sh » Mon May 02, 2011 8:02 pm

For different LCD systems we offered their corresponding configuration files:
config_tq6410_w35 – for TFT landscape 3.5”LCD, resoluiotn 320x240
config_tq6410_n43 – for NEC4.3”LCD, resolution 480x272
config_tq6410_l80 - for Sharp 8” (or compatible models)LCD, resolution 640x480
config_tq6410_a70 – for 7” true color screen, resolution 800x480
config_tq6410_vga1024x768 – for VGA module, resolution 1024x768
Type the following command to compile:
#cp config_tq6410_a70 .config : there is a space after n43 and a “.” prior to “config”
#make zImage ; begins to compile
After the compilation is done, an image file zImage will be generate under “arch/arm/boot”. There are image files under “images/linux” in the shipped CD such as zImage_w35, zImage_a70 and so on

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