BeadaPanel FAQs

BeadaPanel versatile media display
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BeadaPanel FAQs

Post by esky-sh » Mon Oct 02, 2023 12:41 am

Q: How do I fix the time and date (see first pic). It is not reading my system time/date. When I took that pic, system date is Sunday October 01 2023, and time is 11:44pm.
A: This is a normal case since BeadaPanel has no internal RTC battery for time keeping. Host applications need to send a time sync signal through USB interface as soon as BeadaPanel powers up, or BeadaPanel will show up an older time. BeadaTools can do this time sync but you can use AIDA64 for this either(AIDA64 will send time sync signal whenever it connecting to BeadaPanel).

Q: Also for the clock, is there any other choice of "pattern" besides "ball"? And is there a way to have the clock mix in with the photo album? Or I just have to choose one or the other? (When I had uncommented both sections, only the album worked... clock only worked if I commented out everything in the "plano" section).
A: Please check it here -->viewtopic.php?f=30&t=775&p=3259#p3259

Q: For the photo album, is there any way to make the gallery more "random?" After any restart, it always starts at "V", then goes alphabetical through Z, then back to A-U... and it goes through all the JPG files first, then the PNG files.
A: This is a known restriction of album function. We need to make it more feasible in future.

Q: When using BeadaTools, sometimes, after I eject, the panel stays at the NX Logo screen. I need to run BeadaTools again, eject again, then it goes back to working.
A: This is a known restriction of BeadaPanel eject function. We need to make it more feasible in future. Rightnow, you have to try several times if it does not work. Or if you are impatient, just plug out/in usb cable.

Q: Every time I run BeadaTools, I get the "There is a problem with this drive" pop-up, and it asks me to scan and fix the drive. I haven't done that yet... wanted to check with you first. (2nd and 3rd pics).
s-l16003.jpg (38.81 KiB) Viewed 4892 times
A: Please ignore this Windows message. Either of choices makes no difference to BeadaPanel internal storage memory.

Posts: 1586
Joined: Sat Dec 20, 2008 4:21 am

BeadaPanel FAQs

Post by esky-sh » Mon Oct 02, 2023 12:46 am

Q: Website says this panel is supposed to have 8GB of eMMC storage... I only have 2.78GB (4th pic). Shows the same, both in Explorer, and Disk Management. Is this correct?
s-l16009.jpg (18.45 KiB) Viewed 4887 times
A: BeadaPanel has four partitions on this internal eMMC(500M/2G/2G/2.8G). The last partition(2.8G) is for album function and that is the only partition exposed to your Windows Host.

Q: When I try to open beadatools on Linux, Chromium says 'access denied'. How can I address this issue?
A: On most Linux systems, USB devices are mapped with read-only permissions by default. To allow Chrome or Chromium to open a USB device, you will need to add a new udev rule. Create a file at /etc/udev/rules.d/50-beadapanel.rules with the following content:

Code: Select all

SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTR{idVendor}=="4e58", MODE="0666", GROUP="plugdev"
And then reload rules

Code: Select all

sudo udevadm control --reload-rules

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