Possible defective BeadaPanel 5P (or bad firmware)

BeadaPanel versatile media display
Posts: 1586
Joined: Sat Dec 20, 2008 4:21 am

Re: Possible defective BeadaPanel 5P (or bad firmware)

Post by esky-sh » Sun Mar 31, 2024 1:46 am

Today I tested my 6P with a portrait(480x1280) png picture.

My test code:

Code: Select all

        async function fire(bp, interval=0, loop=false ) {
          let www=0;
          await bp.sendPLHead({'cmdType': 4});
          await bp.sendPLHead({'cmdType': 5, 'fmtStr':'image/png ! flip=90'});

          do {
            for (const v of inputArray) {
              for (const t of v.files) {  
                let slices = sliceFile(t);
                for (const n of slices) {
                  if (abort) {
                    await bp.sendPLHead({'cmdType': 6});
                    throw new Error('User abort!');
                  let x = await readSlice(n);
                  let y = new Uint8Array(x);
                  await bp.sendMedia(y);                  
                if (++www%20===0)
                    console.log("20 frames");
          } while (loop);

          await bp.sendPLHead({'cmdType': 6});
Note the format string of 'image/png ! flip=90', this flip=90 is a special marker to tell BeadaPanel the picture need to be rotate 90 degrees in prior to final display. Without this marker, the picture will be squished up when displaying on a landscape screen. For test result, I counted up 1200 frames in 102 seconds, so calculated fps is 11.7. At that time, this should be a best figure for png stream processing on model 6P.

Portrait png to be tested:
Image1.png (22.75 KiB) Viewed 1594 times
PS: If you want to test this feature on 5C/5P, you will need to update a newer firmware. And here is link-->
5C:https://www.nxelec.com/service/download ... 403311.zip
5P:https://www.nxelec.com/service/download ... 314.tar.gz

Posts: 21
Joined: Sat Feb 24, 2024 1:29 am

Re: Possible defective BeadaPanel 5P (or bad firmware)

Post by bobg2222 » Mon Apr 01, 2024 12:06 am

Thanks! I will probably give that a test within a couple of days.

If the 716 firmware fails for some reason, will I be able to just go back to 715?

Posts: 1586
Joined: Sat Dec 20, 2008 4:21 am

Re: Possible defective BeadaPanel 5P (or bad firmware)

Post by esky-sh » Mon Apr 01, 2024 2:04 am

Yes you can.

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