Neophyte question

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Neophyte question

Post by richardtomkins » Thu Nov 03, 2011 6:42 pm

I must admit, I am not sure where to start, so I need some kind hand holding.

I have a Windows 7, 64 bit computer.

I just recieved the SC32440A based system, GT2440, with a 4.3" LCD, and I also go the USB wireless and Camera.

FriendlyARM is loaded on the GT2440, it boots when the power is turned on.

The display appears to be too large for the 4.3" LCD and when I use the small pointer to attempt to move the cursor around the screen, the cursor appears to behave as if the touch-panel is wired incorrectly. A left to right stroke of the pointer, move the cursor up and down on the LCD. An up and down stroke of the pointer moves the cursor left to right on the LCD.

I do not have a parallel port, so I also ordered the OpenJTAG USB device, expecting to use that for connection to the boards JTAG port, but am unable to make that work.

I have been able to use the OpenJTAG serial port to talk to the serial port on the GT2440.

What do I nee to do to correct the LCD display and the touch-panel behaviour?

Regards, Richard Tomkins

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Re: Neophyte question

Post by esky-sh » Fri Nov 04, 2011 4:09 am

You may need to re-flash the on board nandflash for correct software images, please read user guide on DVD-ROM first.

There are 2 options for software loading to your board:
1. Use dnw and supervivi, just according user guide.
But you may meet problems since the DNW driver on DVD-ROM will not work under 64bits OS.
And here is some extra info for this issue-->
2. Use open jtag to flash nandflash
openjtag has a tool integrated which named as sjf24x0_ft2232 or oflash, this is a command line program which can use under windows or linux

There may other alternatives like serial RS232 download or ethernet download.

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